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  • GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers Support Sustainability in Clinical Lab

GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers Support Sustainability in Clinical Lab

Posted on Feb 06, 2024 by Colleen Holtkamp

GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers

Clinical labs rely on ultra-low freezers to store patient samples and other materials within a specified temperature range. Storage at the proper temperature safeguards the integrity of these items. It is critical for ensuring accurate test results, maintaining regulatory compliance, and preventing financial loss due to temperature excursions.

Helmer GX Solutions Professional Medical-grade Ultra-Low Freezers are now available. They are designed for the unique needs of the healthcare environment, delivering world-class cooling performance, increased energy efficiency and sustainability, and quieter operation compared to traditional ultra-low temperature freezer technology.

GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers are powered by OptiCool™ Cooling Technology. The OptiCool™ system in an ultra-low freezer pairs variable capacity compressors (VCC) with natural hydrocarbon refrigerants to ensure optimal temperature uniformity and recovery. OptiCool™ efficiently manages energy consumption and environmental conditions along with reducing the noise output of the system.

Multi-stage cascade refrigeration technology is utilized in GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers. Dual variable capacity compressors manage both the low stage and high stage cooling loops. Natural hydrocarbon refrigerants decrease global warming potential and address global sustainability regulations.

The refrigerants as well as the foaming agents used in GX Solutions Ultra-Low Freezers are compliant with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternative Policy (SNAP) program to decrease Global Warming Potential, EU F-Gas regulations, and the Paris Climate Agreement.

GX Solutions OptiCool™ technology lowers energy consumption, reducing operating costs and decreasing the unit's carbon footprint, supporting environmental sustainability standards. The OptiCool™ system also reduces noise, creating a more productive workplace for laboratory staff.

In healthcare settings, making decisions that reduce an organization’s overall carbon footprint without sacrificing performance requirements is a positive step that supports sustainability. Selecting ultra-low freezers that use energy efficient technology and low GWP refrigerants will help reduce a facility’s environmental impact.


Helmer Scientific provides professional medical-grade equipment that supports sustainability and meets the strict performance requirements of the clinical lab. GX Solutions Cold Storage Systems now include ultra-low freezers as well as refrigerators, freezers, and pass-thru refrigerators.

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Colleen Holtkamp

Written by Colleen Holtkamp

Helmer designs, manufactures, and markets specialized medical and laboratory equipment to customers in more than 125 countries. With an extensive background in Helmer products, Colleen’s focus is on the Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank segments.

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