This year has seen a lot of challenges and many opportunities as the COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions around the world. Virtual conferences and tradeshows are the new norm as pharmacists look for new ways to update their knowledge and enhance skills.
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The American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) continues to develop and restructure resources to assist pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other healthcare professionals with the COVID-19 pandemic response. ASHP is continually working to break down barriers for...
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We hosted a webinar in October, “Flu Season Amidst COVID-19: Avoiding the Twindemic” presented by Dr. L.J. Tan, MS PHD, Chief Strategy Officer of the Immunization Action Coalition. Dr. Tan reviewed resources available for maintaining immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic and...
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In our recent blog, “The Critical Importance of Improving Immunization Rates During COVID-19”, we discussed the importance of routine immunizations in public health and the consequences of a failure to protect against influenza this flu season as presented by Dr. L.J. Tan, MS...
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We recently hosted a vaccine webinar with Dr. L.J. Tan, MS PhD, Chief Strategy Officer of the Immunization Action Coalition. Dr. Tan shared the importance of routine immunizations in public health, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immunization coverage rates, and the...
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Technological advances in refrigeration technology have allowed storage of medications and vaccines at optimal temperatures while also minimizing energy usage and reducing noise levels. Energy management is important for the professional healthcare environment. Refrigeration...
Read more »Join us for a Webinar on Navigating Flu Season Amidst COVID-19
Seasonal flu vaccines remain the best way to prevent the spread of influenza. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused healthcare providers to change how they operate to continue to provide essential services to patients.
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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released a website page called, “Influenza (Flu): What You Need to Know for 2020-21.” This question and answer style website page covers broad topics of questions related to influenza and COVID-19, and how those two viruses will effect...
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Temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, medications, and vaccines must be safeguarded to ensure drug efficacy and patient safety. Storing pharmaceuticals at manufacturer recommend temperature ranges also supports regulatory compliance and prevents financial losses.
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Photo courtesy Seeding Labs/University of Eswatini
Instrumental Access awardee, Dr. Thabile Ndlovu, of the University of Eswatini, has joined the COVID-19 fight. As was the case in many countries, people raced to buy essentials and quickly depleted the hand sanitizer supply when...
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