To better protect precious or irreplaceable patient samples, safeguard expensive and sensitive vaccines / medications, or store reagents and controls that are critical to patient care, the adoption of Medical-grade equipment continues to increase in prevalence.
Although there are many vendors that market their equipment as medical grade, there is no standard industry definition that dictates performance or features. In addition, terms like "Pharmaceutical Grade" or "Purpose Built" are also used interchangeably with "Medical Grade" when referring to cold storage options. These issues can lead to confusion and uncertainty when making important decisions related to equipment that is critical to the delivery of safe and quality patient care.
We designed our latest eBook to guide you through the mystery of medical-grade refrigeration. The eBook touches on how medical-grade refrigeration differs from household and commercial refrigeration, the increased use of pharmaceutical grade equipment in the central pharmacy and the hospital, the dangers of storing products in “dorm style” refrigerators, and what options are available to meet compliance, regulations, and capacity needs.
Choosing the right cold storage solution is important. Learning what to look for in a refrigerator or freezer will help ensure that you have a solution that will provide a safe and secure storage environment for what you are storing.
Download our Cold Storage eBook to learn more.