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  • Join the Fight Against Heart Disease and Stroke with AHA & Go Red for Women

Join the Fight Against Heart Disease and Stroke with AHA & Go Red for Women

Posted on Feb 03, 2017 by Miranda Schroeder

Wear-Red.jpgImage Credit: American Heart Association

Why Go Red? Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds. However, 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events experienced by women may be prevented with education and action (AHA).

Nearly 500,000 women were dying each year from this preventable tradgedy, yet women were not paying attention. In 2004, The American Heart Association (AHA) recognized the need to get the message out about heart attack and stroke to women accross the nation. Go Red encourages women to look at their lifestyle and make changes to ensure they are living a heart healthy life.

According to AHA, a woman who "Goes Red" does the following to help prevent heart attack and stroke for herself and for other women:

  • Follows an exercise routine
  • Eats a healthier diet
  • Visits her doctor for important tests
  • Encourages others to do the same
  • Influences others by talking about heart health

This need for recognition and action fueled the way for Go Red for Women, a socially empowering campaign which has led to a dramatic reduction in fatalities in women from cardiac and stroke events.

"In 2010, the AHA set a strategic goal of reducing death and disability from cardiovascular disease and strokes by 20 percent while improving the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent by the year 2020 (AHA)."

The campaign raises funds in order to continue driving awarness of heart health in women. Funds raised by Go Red For Women activities support research to discover scientific knowledge about heart health. AHA uses that research to create materials and tools for healthcare providers in order to ensure women are following preventative plans as well as receiving proper treatment.

Helmer appreciates all the work AHA, dedicated clinicians, and women across the country are doing to generate awareness about heart health. Go Red for Women is saving lives. You can give a gift today by following the link below.

Learn More about Go Red for Women »

Miranda Schroeder

Written by Miranda Schroeder

Helmer designs, manufactures, and sells reliable medical-grade refrigeration. Miranda specializes in the pharmacy segment in regards to proper cold storage for refrigerated and frozen medications and vaccines.

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